
    Sports betting regulation is approved by the Chamber

    This Wednesday, the 13th, the bill that establishes the regulation of fixed-odd sports betting was approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

    The project aims to redistribute revenue, impose grants, as well as introduce requirements and limitations.

    Furthermore, as published in Agência Câmara de Notícias, the text includes the provisions of Provisional Measure 1182/23, which already regulated the matter, and now the PL for the regulation of sports betting will proceed for consideration in the Senate.


    Check out the news about the regulation of sports betting in full below

    The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (13) a bill to regulate sports betting through a fixed quota (such as “bets”), providing for a new distribution of revenue, grant payment, requirements and restrictions. The text incorporates Provisional Measure 1182/23, which regulated the topic, and will be sent to the Senate.

    The approved text is a substitute of the rapporteur, deputy Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA), for Bill 3626/23, of the Executive Branch. Instead of 10% of the revenue going to social security, as predicted by the MP, the sector will receive 2%. Other recipients of the resources will be education (1.82%), sport (6.63%) and tourism (5%).

    Law 13,756/18, which created this type of lottery, provided that companies would keep 95% of gross revenue (after prizes and income tax), while the project allows 82%.

    To remunerate clubs and athletes for the use of their names, brands and other symbols, betting companies must pay them compensation within 6.63%. Thus, of this total, 1.13 percentage points will be distributed to them in the form of a regulation.

    With the approval in the Plenary of an amendment by Congressman Hugo Motta (Republicanos-PB), 0.5% of the amount will be directed to state Sports departments, which will have to distribute half to the municipal Sports departments in proportion to the city’s population.

    Within the amount of education, 0.82% will go to early childhood schools or primary and secondary schools that have achieved targets for national assessment results. The remainder (1%) will go to public secondary technical schools.

    In tourism, 1% will go to Embratur and 4% will go to the Ministry of Tourism. “Online gambling currently occurs throughout the national territory, and the project regulates the activity so that it can be taxed”, recalled the rapporteur.

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